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Showing 101-110 of 190 results

Crown Holdings urged to commit to OECD guidelines

18 January, 2016In its final statement, the U.S. National contact point (USNCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, recommends that Crown Holdings, Inc. should “explicitly commit itself to implementing the Guidelines” to ensure workers’ rights are respected.

Alcoa – forcing crew off ship in Australia and closing plants in the US

14 January, 2016In the middle of the night on 13 January, 30 security guards boarded the Alcoa motor vessel Portland to remove five union crewmembers and escort foreign seafarers on to the ship that immediately left for Singapore.

UAW wins union election at Volkswagen, Tennessee

9 December, 2015Volkswagen in Chattanooga, Tennessee will be the first foreign owned auto plant in the Southern USA to have a trade union. Local 42 of IndustriALL Global Union affiliated UAW won a workplace election for 164 skilled trades employees at the large plant on 3-4 December.

Strong declaration to fight for base metal sector

5 November, 2015IndustriALL base metals steering committee met in Pittsburgh on 3 and 4 November, and adopted a declaration calling on governments to take action against industrial destruction of the base metal sector.

United Steelworkers fighting for fair contracts

17 September, 2015Over 30,000 workers employed in the U.S. steel industry are wearing a days “Fair contract now!” sticker to show solidarity with their co-workers in ArcelorMittal and U.S. Steel.

USW mobilizes for fair contracts in steel industry

21 August, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the United Steelworkers (USW) is holding a week of action in the United States to demand a fair contract with steel giants ArcelorMittal and U.S. Steel.

ITUC launches petition to halt TPP trade negotiations

9 June, 2015The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), together with national trade union centres, is demanding transparency in discussions over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)  — a free trade agreement currently being negotiated in secret.

Moms deserve better than diamonds from Rio Tinto

5 May, 2015This Mother’s Day, an international coalition of unions is calling on the world’s largest jewellery retailer to clean up its supplier of diamonds. They are urging Signet to demand that multinational mining and metals company Rio Tinto improve its practices so that they respect workers’ rights, indigenous peoples and the environment.

Honeywell lockout in the US ends with new agreement

13 April, 2015Members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 7-669 voted to ratify a new three-year collective agreement at the Honeywell nuclear power plant in Metropolis, Illinois. The agreement ends a seven-month lockout covering 150 union members.

USW reaches tentative agreement in oil sector

20 March, 2015IndustriALL affiliate, the United Steelworkers (USW), and petrochemical company Shell have reached a tentative agreement to bring an end to the national oil workers’ strike, which began on 1 February.