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Showing 101-110 of 703 results

Unions' central role in due diligence

2 March, 2023The OECD forum on due diligence in the garment and footwear sector in Paris, France, in February brought together governments, businesses, unions, civil society and academia to discuss the responsibility that companies have to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for their adverse impacts on human rights.

Framework for a responsible business disengagement from Myanmar

22 February, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and a number of garment brands with operations in Myanmar have jointly developed a framework for a responsible exit from the country.

Unions take part in national strike against Peru’s government

21 February, 2023IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in Peru have taken part in a fresh national strike against Dina Boluarte’s government. They called for her and members of Congress to resign, and for elections to be called. 

Uruguayan government officials illegally surveil union president

9 February, 2023Uruguayan government officials have engaged in illegal surveillance of Marcelo Abdala, president of Uruguayan trade union federation PIT-CNT and general secretary of IndustriALL affiliate UNTMRA. PIT-CNT is considering political and legal action in defence of democracy, the Republic and freedoms.

Calls for justice for slain Eswatini human rights defender

3 February, 2023On 3 February, South African unions from the Congress of South African Trade Unions and civil society organizations campaigning for democratic reforms picketed at the Eswatini Embassy in Johannesburg to call for justice and for an independent investigation following the assassination of Thulani Maseko, a human rights and social justice lawyer.

Unions condemn anti-strike laws in Zimbabwe

1 February, 2023Trade unions in Zimbabwe are raising serious objections to recently passed laws that violate trade union rights.

Global unions statement on the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar

1 February, 2023On the second anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, the global unions, representing 200 million workers worldwide, call for renewed global efforts to restore democracy. The global unions support the call by the Confederation of Trade Unions, Myanmar (CTUM) for a Global Day of Action to demand formal diplomatic recognition of the National Unity Government (NUG) as the legitimate representative of the people of Myanmar, and the release of political prisoners.

Philippines must recognize international labour rights

31 January, 2023A high-level tripartite ILO mission to the Philippines has concluded after five days of consultation and dialogue with trade unions and workers’ organizations, laying out its recommendations to ensure full recognition of internationally labour rights in the country.

Democracy must be returned to Myanmar

27 January, 2023It’s been two years since the military seized power in Myanmar. As workers risk their lives to restore democracy, we must continue to voice opposition and demonstrate solidarity support.

Public appeal to cancel Sri Lanka’s debt

16 January, 2023Amid the country’s worst financial crisis, IndustriALL’s affiliates in Sri Lanka are demanding that the country’s debt is cancelled.