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Showing 101-110 of 178 results

Union power taking off in aerospace industry

2 July, 2015The world conference for aerospace industries held in Berlin on 1 – 2 July, saw delegates from around the globe discuss building union power and confronting global capital in the sector.

Sector-wide collective agreements to counter workers’ problems in the chemical industry

25 June, 2015Following industry level bargaining in Germany’s chemical industry earlier this year, IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Belgium and Spain have concluded collective bargaining agreements for the chemical sector with important achievements.

IG Metall commits to strengthen global agreements

15 June, 2015Some fifty union leaders and works council representatives of IndustriALL Global Union’s German affiliate IG Metall deeply discussed to make an evaluation over the existing global framework agreements (GFAs) that their union took the lead in negotiation and implementation.

Russian automotive unions discuss GFAs

29 April, 2015A workshop on Global Framework Agreements (GFAs) as a tool to be used in Russia was held on 23-24 April 2015 in Moscow region for unions of the Russian automotive industry.

IndustriALL and ThyssenKrupp sign global agreement on promotion of fundamental rights

20 March, 2015IndustriALL Global Union has signed a global framework agreement (GFA) with German-based multinational operating in different segments of the metal industry, ThyssenKrupp, for protecting and advancing the rights of more than 150,000 workers in nearly 80 countries worldwide.

"Petrobras: Be accountable, continue as ours", demands union movement

5 March, 2015IndustriALL Global Union joins and supports its Brazilian affiliates in their current struggle to keep oil giant Petrobras accountable in public hands. Amid deep scandal and crisis, the unions say: charge those guilty of corruption, but Petrobras is ours.

IndustriALL Global Union signs global framework agreement with Gamesa

18 February, 2015Gamesa, the Spanish wind turbine manufacturer, has signed a Global Framework Agreement covering social, labour and environmental issues with IndustriALL Global Union and its Spanish affiliates, CCOO Industry, MCA-UGT and FITAG-UGT. 

IndustriALL raises the bar for global agreements

6 February, 2015IndustriALL Global Union has raised the standards for global framework agreements (GFAs) to better protect trade union and worker rights at all stages of a multinational company’s operations.

Nissan rejects US government offer to mediate dispute with UAW

3 February, 2015Nissan Motor Company has refused a US government offer of mediation to resolve a longstanding dispute with the United Auto Workers (UAW) and IndustriALL Global Union over the company’s anti-union practices in the United States. The State Department-based US National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines said on Friday “the issues raised by UAW and IndustriALL are material and substantiated and merit further examination.”

IndustriALL signs global union agreement with Total

22 January, 2015IndustriALL Global Union has today signed a landmark agreement with Total, the French oil and gas giant, guaranteeing employee rights across the company’s international operations.