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Showing 11-20 of 37 results

Unions in South-East Asia confront Industry 4.0 challenges

21 October, 2019Trade union representatives from six countries in South-East Asia gathered in Bangkok on 16 and 17 October to discuss how to best protect workers as industry undergoes rapid transformation due to digitalization and automation.

Fresenius Global Union Alliance demands an end to workers' rights abuses

25 September, 2019The Fresenius Global Union Alliance, representing more than 50 unions around the world, is standing together to expose workers’ rights abuses at the German healthcare giant. 

Cambodian unions demand sectoral bargaining to achieve living wages

23 September, 2019IndustriALL Global Union garment unions in Cambodia have welcomed a raise in the monthly minimum wage from US$182 to US$190 but reiterated calls for sectoral collective bargaining as a means to reach a living wage.

Ericsson global trade union network moves forward

19 September, 2019Trade unions representing employees of Swedish multinational company, Ericsson, gathered in Kista, Sweden, on 12-13 September for the third meeting of the Ericsson Global Trade Union Network.

Fiat Chrysler and CNHi must increase dialogue with unions

16 July, 2019Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) and CNHi must increase consultation with trade unions as the automotive industry undergoes massive change, demanded IndustriALL Global Union affiliates at a meeting in Canada. The trade unions also called on FCA to reinstate over 100 workers at its Teksid plant in Mexico.

Textile and garment unions in South East Asia build networks

15 July, 2019Trade union leaders from IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in seven countries in South East Asia resolved to build networks and increase organizing in the textile and garment sector despite threats and harassment.

Victory at ExxonMobil in Australia after two-year picket

11 July, 2019Oil and gas workers in Victoria, Australia, have dismantled their picket line after 742 days, following an agreement ending a long-running dispute with ExxonMobil and its maintenance subcontractor, UGL.

Shell unions to collaborate on organizing

9 July, 2019IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from eight countries met in London on 3 and 4 July 2019 for the fifth Shell Global Union Network meeting, and committed to closer collaboration, particularly in organizing workers at the multinational energy company.

Innovative union organizing strategies tackled in Philippine workshop

27 May, 2019Trade unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union in the Philippines resolved to execute new ways to organize unions and increase membership, during a three-day workshop in Tanay, Rizal, from 21-23 May.

IndustriALL again demands Shell address violations in supply chain

22 May, 2019IndustriALL Global Union, together with trade union affiliates from Nigeria and the Netherlands, called on Shell to address workers’ rights violations in its supply chain at the company’s annual general meeting (AGM) in The Hague on 21 May.