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Showing 11-20 of 49 results

Organizing helps us reach our key goals

19 October, 2015Building union power through organizing and growth is the first key goal of IndustriALL Global Union. But it also helps us reach our other goals on living wages, limits on precarious work, and healthier and safer workplaces.

Refugees need our help

23 September, 2015As millions of people flee persecution and poverty, European governments are struggling to find solutions in the spirit of solidarity and compassion. We need to take care of refugees, in Europe and elsewhere in the world.

We need more women leaders!

25 August, 2015Women and men together take better decisions and organize more workers than men alone. That is why we need more women in the leadership of trade unions at the local, national and global level.

IndustriALL Global Union keeps fighting back through active campaigns

23 July, 2015Attacks against fundamental rights are continuing and increasing all over the world. Governments and multinational companies use all dirty tactics to prevent workers from joining a union of their free choice and keep them away from our important tools collective bargaining and strikes.

ILO is back to work

30 June, 2015After three years of employers blocking work on the application of ILO norms, this year’s International Labour Conference reaches a series of important conclusions on Mexico, Bangladesh, Swaziland and social protection.

IndustriALL executives decide on global action

29 May, 2015Almost 200 participants gathered in Stockholm for IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee on 19-20 May, endorsing action on living wages, organizing, trade union rights and precarious work around the world.

What are you doing on May Day?

30 April, 2015Every year on May Day, IndustriALL Global Union affiliates around the world celebrate the international workers' day. 

Passion for better lives in Myanmar

31 March, 2015After fifty years of military rule, Myanmar is taking steps towards becoming a democracy and a new industrial tiger. Workers are impatient in their desire for a better life, and they know they need unions for creating a durable change.

Mobilizing for living wages

27 February, 2015All over the world, the IndustriALL Global Union family is mobilizing for a living wage for all workers. In 2014, good steps forward were taken in Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam and elsewhere. But there is a long way to go. 

Our message at Davos

29 January, 2015In 2015 IndustriALL Global Union will mobilize workers everywhere in the fight for societies to be built on social justice.