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Showing 11-20 of 114 results

Workers’ right under attack at Nexperia Philippines

5 April, 2024On April 5, 2024, Nexperia Philippines Inc., a significant player in the semiconductor industry, made a number of layoffs impacting union officials and breaching the terms of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA). 

Fighting for living wage in Malaysia and Philippines

5 April, 2024Malaysian and Philippine trade unionists expressed grave concern about the high cost of living and that they are united in demanding a living wage for workers and their families.

Philippine unions call for thorough investigation of deadly landslide

16 February, 2024Philippine trade unions are urging the Philippine government to thoroughly investigate the tragic landslide earlier this month that took the lives of 92 miners and villagers in the Southern Philippines. The government’s rescue team is still searching for 36 missing people.

Philippines ratifies ILO Convention 190

12 December, 2023After four years of campaigning led by IndustriALL Philippine affiliates, the country’s Senate has ratified the ILO Convention on violence and harassment, making Philippines the 37th country in the world to do so.

Asia Pacific trade agreements must safeguard workers’ rights

9 November, 2023IndustriALL Global Union Asia Pacific affiliates strategized actions to defend workers’ rights in free trade agreements, in a regional meeting held in Kuala Lumpur on 1 November.

Organizing cement workers during challenging economic times in Asia Pacific

4 October, 2023Cement sector unions in the Asia Pacific region commit to organizing more cement workers amid global economic slowdown, decreasing production and climate change.  

Youth academy builds strong network of activists in South East Asia

27 March, 2023Three years of training through the IndustriALL-FES South-East Asia youth activist-leadership academy has strengthened the network of young unionists in the region, as well as their demands.

Campaign for ratification of C190 continues

9 March, 2023Since the ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work was adopted in 2019, unions around the world have been campaigning for its ratification. To date, 25 countries have ratified C190, with Canada and Ireland being the latest additions.  

Philippines must recognize international labour rights

31 January, 2023A high-level tripartite ILO mission to the Philippines has concluded after five days of consultation and dialogue with trade unions and workers’ organizations, laying out its recommendations to ensure full recognition of internationally labour rights in the country.

Stand with imprisoned trade unionists on Human Rights Day

7 December, 2022The right to freedom of association is one of the ILO’s fundamental principles and rights at work, and yet right now there are too many people around the world in prison for joining or being active in a union.