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Showing 11-20 of 48 results

Unfair treatment of union members at Molex Malaysia

30 March, 2022IndustriALL affiliate EIEUNR is fighting union busting at electronic components manufacturer Molex, one of Apple’s suppliers in Malaysia.

Unions in Malaysia win increased maternity leave

24 March, 2022After a three-year campaign, IndustriALL affiliates in Malaysia have achieved 14 weeks maternity leave and the introduction of one-week paternity leave.

Molex Malaysia must stop union busting

21 February, 2022Malaysian electronics union EIEUNR is critical of the union busting taking place at Molex, where the employer is attempting to deny union members the right to collective bargaining.

ST Microelectronics Malaysia - don’t put profit before workers’ safety

17 August, 2021Over the last months, 19 employees at ST Microelectronics, Malaysia, have died from Covid-19. More than 100 employees are still infected and around 600 workers are placed in quarantine.

Malaysian union files ILO complaint against HICOM

3 August, 2021Malaysia’s National Union of Transport Equipment & Allied Industries Workers (NUTEAIW) has filed a complaint with ILO’s Committee on Freedom of Association on anti-union discrimination at HICOM, assembler of automotive brands Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and Mitsubishi.

Malaysian union wins collective agreement after nine years

18 May, 2021Malaysia’s Electronics Industry Employees’ Union Western Region (EIEUWR) has won its first collective agreement at Nichicon (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. after nine years of legal challenges and delaying tactics by the employer.

Malaysian government urged to end emergency rule and reform labour law

15 April, 2021Malaysian unions are campaigning to end emergency rule in the country, calling on the government to reform labour laws to protect workers’ rights during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Malaysian union victorious after seven year battle over unfair dismissals

16 November, 2020The National Union of Transport Equipment and Allied Industries Workers (NUTEAIW) has emerged victorious after seven years of legal battles fighting the unfair dismissal of 18 members for exercising their political rights.

Fighting for decent work in South East Asia

8 October, 2020Globalization brings capital and opportunities, but also shapes economic and labour policies that threaten the welfare of workers. Union leaders in South East Asia agree that trade unions must confront regressive labour laws in order to fight for decent work in the region.

Fighting for workers’ rights in South East Asia

14 September, 2020Unions in South East Asia are planning ahead for defending workers’ rights through struggle and advocacy, institutionalizing safety and health concerns in collective agreements, and building capacity for women and youth.