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Showing 11-20 of 76 results

CFMEU wins appeal against BHP Operations Services

11 May, 2020Australian union CFMEU Mining and Energy has won an appeal against the approval of two enterprise agreements covering workers employed by BHP’s in-house labour hire provider Operations Services.

Australian union calls out BHP on contract work

12 November, 2019IndustriALL affiliate CFMEU Mining and Energy, representing mine workers at BHP operations in Australia, attended the company’s annual general meeting on 6 November in Sydney, to question executives about the new labour hire subsidiary Operations Services.

Unions from five countries meet in Chile to campaign for BHP workers’ rights

23 September, 2019Leaders of IndustriALL Global Union’s BHP network will gather in Santiago, Chile, on 23 - 24 September as part of a worldwide campaign to improve worker rights and to call for an end to the outsourcing of jobs at the mining giant.

Australian glass workers strike for a fair contract

20 September, 2019 Members of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union (AMWU) and Electrical Trades Union of Australia (ETU) as part of CEPU (Communications, Electrical, Plumbing Union) are on strike over three months at the Brisbane and Melbourne sites of the US-based glass maker Owens-Ilinois (O-I) for a fair contract.

Victory at ExxonMobil in Australia after two-year picket

11 July, 2019Oil and gas workers in Victoria, Australia, have dismantled their picket line after 742 days, following an agreement ending a long-running dispute with ExxonMobil and its maintenance subcontractor, UGL.

Base metals unions determined to stay united against challenges

5 July, 2019Attended by around 50 union representatives from 14 countries in Sydney, Australia from 11 to 13 June 2019, IndustriALL Global Union’s base metals steering committee discussed challenges for workers in the industry and reaffirmed their commitment to international solidarity.

Australian unions committed to campaign against BHP

5 July, 2019In response to BHP’s strategy to drive down wages and conditions of employment in the mining industry, IndustriALL Global Union’s Australian affiliates confirmed their full commitment and support to the campaign against the world’s largest miner.

Unions stage global protest against Kimberly-Clark

10 April, 2019Global unions IndustriALL and UNI, are holding a day of action on 11 April against Kimberly-Clark’s restructuring plans and the company’s contempt for unions and workers around the world. 

Australian union resists Kimberly-Clark attempts to weaken conditions

14 February, 2019After four years of negotiations and five votes on a new collective agreement, the CFMEU has signed an agreement with US-based tissue and personal care giant Kimberly-Clark.

Lives at risk in ExxonMobil dispute in Australia

22 November, 2018A long-running dispute with oil and gas giant ExxonMobil and its contractor UGL is putting workers’ lives at risk and having a devastating effect on communities, reveals Troy Carter from the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) in an interview with IndustriALL.