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Showing 11-17 of 17 results

IndustriALL Global Union signs two new Global Framework Agreements

13 December, 2013During the course of two days IndustriALL Global Union signed as many Global Framework Agreements (GFAs) with leading companies in the pulp and paper industry; SCA in Sweden and Norske Skog in Norway.

Last-minute agreement averts strike by Norwegian oil workers

11 April, 2013After several hours of mediation, unions and employers agreed a 3.4% pay rise on Monday 8 April for Norwegian oil and gas workers. The last-minute agreement averted a national strike that threatened to severely disrupt the sector.

Norwegian action on Mexico

28 February, 2013Mexico has no embassy in Norway, so Fellesforbundet has led other kinds of activities in connection with the Mexico Days of Action:

Aker GFA is extended with an indeterminate duration

20 December, 2012Fellesforbundet, Tekna, NITO, IndustriALL Global Union and Aker ASA will work together to secure implementation of GFA.

Arthur Svensson`s International Prize 2013 is open for nominations

11 October, 2012The committee of Arthur Svensson`s International Prize for Union Rights announced it has started accepting nominations for 2013.


4 October, 2012IndustriALL affiliate actions to STOP Precarious Work

Norwegian Government enforces compulsory arbitration in oil and gas dispute

12 July, 2012Norwegian labour minister, Hanne Bjurstrom, forced the dispute in the country’s oil and gas industry into arbitration at 23:30 on 9 July, just half an hour before the country's oil companies planned to lock out offshore oil and gas workers.