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Showing 11-20 of 140 results

Concerns over violence in Colombia raised at ILC

17 June, 2021Violation of ILO Convention 87 on freedom of association in Colombia was on the agenda at ILO Committee on the Application of Standards during the International Labour Conference.

National strike committee calls for more protests in Colombia

3 June, 2021A month after protests began in Colombia, the national strike comittee is calling for fresh demonstrations after the government refused to sign a preliminary agreement guaranteeing peaceful protests.

Union busting, tax avoidance, corruption: International trade unions sharply criticize Fresenius ahead of annual general meeting

20 May, 2021Trade unionists from around the world condemn poor working conditions at Fresenius and its international subsidiaries. The German DAX 30 company has long been in the spotlight for tax evasion and corruption.

IndustriALL condemns violence in Colombia

6 May, 2021The people of Colombia are victims of police repression for demonstrating in the streets. Together with global union federations, IndustriALL rejects the armed violence against the country’s citizens, which has led to disappearances, arrests, injuries and deaths.

Worker perspectives from Cerrejón coal mine

13 April, 2021Last week, IndustriALL and the UK Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) co-hosted a webinar examining how labour practices at the Colombian coal mine Cerrejón are affecting workers. The massive open-pit coal mine is jointly owned by mining multinationals Anglo American, BHP and Glencore.

Sintracarbón fights for 450 jobs at Cerrejón, Colombia

4 March, 2021Sintracarbón continues to fight for decent jobs and working conditions at Cerrejón, Colombia, while the company is putting pressure on 450 workers to accept voluntary retirement. If they don’t, the workers will be dismissed without just cause.

Sintracarbón signs agreement with Cerrejón to end historic strike

3 December, 2020The Sintracarbón union and Colombian company Cerrejón have signed a new collective employment agreement, ensuring that workers get to keep their benefits. The agreement brought an end to the longest strike in the mine’s history.

BHP workers tell investors about their reality

18 November, 2020IndustriALL Global Union and PIRC (Pensions & Investment Research Consultants Ltd.) hosted a virtual round table, bringing together BHP worker representatives with investors in the company to raise concerns over violations and mishandling of Covid-19.

Sintracarbón and Cerrejón begin dialogue to resolve dispute

29 October, 2020After a strike which has lasted for 58 days, IndustriALL Colombian affilaite Sintracarbón and Cerrejón, owned by multinationals Glencore, BHP and Anglo American, are finally launching a series of meetings.

Colombian organizations march in support of Sintracarbón

15 October, 2020As the strike at the Cerrejón mine in Colombia is approaching 50 days, civil, social and union organizations marched in solidarity with the workers and the union, Sintracarbón.