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Showing 11-20 of 30 results

Green aviation: trade unions demand strong international commitment with social sustainability and a Just Transition

21 June, 2022The transition to a more sustainable aviation sector will impact workers and trade unions are demanding concrete measures to ensure a Just Transition and a fair transformation of the sector, which is inclusive and maintains and creates decent jobs.

The future of mobility – options in the public space

19 May, 2022Mobility concepts of the future in an urban environment will be different from what we know today. There will be more shared services, less individual mobility, digital connectivity between people, vehicles and infrastructure, as well as driverless vehicles.

Georgian unions prepare to negotiate a Just Transition

9 December, 2021On 4 December, unions in Georgia discussed their response to climate change and future reforms in the global energy balance, within the context of a Just Transition. Due to travel restrictions, foreign experts and guests participated online, while Georgian unionists met in person.

Call for tenders - the Future of Work and Industry 4.0

30 June, 2021IndustriALL Global Union is calling for tenders for research on the Future of Work and Industry 4.0 in the face of multiple drivers of change.

REPORT: Latin American unions look for ways to push for reindustrialization

7 May, 2021IndustriALL affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean have come up with a sector-based political and union agenda to promote regional reindustrialization, focusing on sustainable development and ensuring a fair transition to a low-carbon economy

Organized labour wins results at ILO technical meeting on the auto sector

11 March, 2021A team of trade unionists achieved an impressive outcome at an ILO technical meeting by making sure Just Transition and Decent Work are the underlying concepts for the transformation of the industry.

We want decent jobs in Sub Saharan Africa

3 March, 2021Report confirms unions in Sub Saharan Africa want sustainable investments in the auto industry that create decent jobs, reduce unemployment and inequality, and contribute towards ending poverty.

Chemical workers in Latin America highlight the importance of union networks

9 February, 2021Workers in the chemicals, petrochemicals, pharmaceutical and plastics sector in Latin America and the Caribbean highlighted the importance of strengthening union networks to ensure that companies respect the rights of workers in all countries where they operate.

Unions in Peru take action for a fair and sustainable textile industry

20 January, 2021In December, the Federation of textile workers of Peru (FNTTP) delivered a document called "Platform for a claim for a fair and sustainable textile and clothing industry” to the Labor and social security commission.

Reindustrializing Latin America and the Caribbean

11 December, 2020On 8 December, more than 150 union leaders from the base metal, energy and automotive sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean completed a series of seminars and working groups as part of a project run by IndustriALL and Union to Union.