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Showing 11-20 of 703 results

Glencore must go beyond words

5 June, 2024A delegation of trade union representatives, NGOs, indigenous and impacted communities from Colombia, Peru, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the UK and Switzerland attended Glencore’s annual general meeting (AGM) in Zug, Switzerland on 29 May, to demand answers from the company board on the company’s continued lack of willingness to address serious environmental, social and governance issues across its global operations and its aversion to dialogue.

The fight for jailed Belarusian trade unionists continues

5 June, 2024Yesterday global unions, trade union activists and delegates in attendance at the 112th International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva gathered at the Broken Chair to call for the immediate release of imprisoned Belarusian trade unionists and an end to the repression of workers’ rights.

National action plans in Africa must be inclusive and participatory

31 May, 2024Developing National Action Plans (NAPs) on business and human rights is a critical issue in Africa, necessitating inclusive and participatory approaches to ensure the protection and promotion of human rights across various sectors.

Global union leaders affirm support for Palestinian trade unions and the Palestinian people

30 May, 2024This week leaders of eight Global Union Federations (GUFs) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) travelled to Ramallah to convey their solidarity to unions in the West Bank and Gaza. These organisations represent almost every sector of the global economy and have members in more than 150 countries representing over 200 million workers. Working with Palestinian affiliates and others, the GUFs, all members of the Council of Global Unions (CGU), pledged to intensify efforts to help local trade unions navigate these difficult times for workers and fulfil their role as key drivers of change in Palestine.

IndustriALL and global brands sign legally-binding agreements supporting collective bargaining and improvements in wages

23 May, 2024In a breakthrough for the textile and garment industry in Cambodia, IndustriALL Global Union is signing legally binding agreements with global brands, for the first time achieving brand-supported collective bargaining agreements in the sector. 

Ivorian union campaigns for gender equality in the mines

22 May, 2024Critical issues for women in the mining sector in Côte d’Ivoire include fighting for gender equality, closing the gender pay gap, increasing the representation of women in leadership in the union, the elimination of gender discrimination, demand that mining companies comply with health and safety laws, and the introduction of workplace policies to end gender-based violence and harassment. 

Malaysia’s booming electronics industry leaves little room for workers’ rights

21 May, 2024Malaysia has become a hotspot for global electronics and semiconductor investment, with country's electrical and electronics export seeing a sharp increase of 54.2 per cent. However, the surge of electronics and semiconductor investment in Malaysia is sharply contrasted with low unionization; only six per cent of all Malaysian workers are unionized, the majority in the public sector.

IndustriALL condemns murder of USO member in Colombia

16 May, 2024Young worker Jhon Jarry Vargas Sarabia has been murdered in Colombia. IndustriALL and Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) call on the authorities to investigate the motives behind the killing.

Campaign for a binding UN treaty

15 May, 2024Heading into the 10th round of the treaty negotiations at the UN Human Rights Council in October 2024, the global unions and the ITUC are calling on all member states to engage in the process to secure a treaty that delivers for the millions of workers in global supply chains.

Argentinian unions bring country to a standstill in defence of labour rights

14 May, 2024Together with other workers in the country, IndustriALL affiliates in Argentina staged an extraordinary national work stoppage on 9 May, protesting against the government and employers who are promoting the removal of established labour and social rights.