IndustriALL and BWI issue renewed warning on dangers of asbestos 12 May, 2014As asbestos continues to be popular in the developing world, IndustriALL Global Union jointly with the sister organization Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI) have released a new publication exposing the dangers of this deadly material and a set of guidelines for people who fear they might be exposed to it.
International Asbestos Conference5 March, 2014The BWI, in partnership with IndustriALL Global Union, the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers, the Austrian trade Union GBH, and the International Ban Asbestos Secretariat is pleased to announce an international conference on asbestos to take place in Vienna on the 6th and 7th of May 2014.
Canada reverses course on asbestos21 September, 2012In an important development, Canada's Industry Minister, Christian Paradis, announced 14 September that Canada would drop its efforts to prevent the listing of chrysotile asbestos as a dangerous substance under the Rotterdam Convention. This may be a turning point in international efforts to ban asbestos.
Indian trade unions urge Odisha Government to ban asbestos23 August, 2012Taking forward the Ban Asbestos campaign in India, on 11 August 2012, representatives of Indian central trade unions, IndustriALL Global Union and Building Workers’ International submitted a memorandum to the state labour and health ministers urging the Government of Odisha to ban asbestos.
Ban Asbestos: Indian unions engage in dialogue with Australian Senator25 July, 2012Indian trade unionists and Australian Labor Party Senator, Ms. Lisa Singh, shared various aspects of the Ban Asbestos campaign in India and Australia in a meeting on 18 July at New Delhi. They resolved to work closely to intensify the campaign to ban asbestos.