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Unions in Argentina condemn reform bill with major impact on workers

19 June, 2024Unions in Argentina condemn the Senate’s passing of the reform bill, which they say will undermine sovereignty, roll back labour rights and leave future generations without prospects.

Switzerland accepts historic social solidarity initiative

6 March, 2024In Switzerland, for the first time, a popular initiative was accepted that fundamentally enhances the country's 1st pillar old-age pension insurance (AVS) by introducing a 13th pension payment. In an encouraging move, led by the Swiss Trade Union Federation (USS) and supported by women's and retirees' organizations, this initiative addresses the pressing issue of inflation that has hit pensioners hard.

United Auto Workers on strike for share of profits

15 September, 2023Today members of IndustriALL affiliate United Auto Workers (UAW) walked out at Ford, General Motors and Stellantis (the Big Three) marking the beginning of their Stand Up Strike.  UAW contracts with the Big Three expired on 14 September and practice pickets and worker preparations, across America began. Workers are saying record profits should equal record contracts.

Bulgarian unions take action for a Just Transition

17 August, 2023Bulgarian CITUB unions, including IndustriALL affiliates, have taken a proactive approach regarding Just Transition in the country. There is an urgent need for government to make critical decisions in the next two months on key documents to address the social and economic consequences of the transition to a low-carbon economy. Unions have made clear their position on the urgent solutions that are needed to deliver a just transition.

Brazil's unions hold march against high interest rates

4 August, 2023On 1 and 2 August, political activists and members of Brazil's union groups and social movements held demonstrations against high interest rates and to defend industrial policy, employment, income, and workers’ rights.

Indian unions call for better working conditions amidst country’s rise as a major chemical and tyre manufacturing hub

19 July, 2023Organising precarious workers, strengthening networks, demanding equal pay for equal work, and workplace health and safety emerged as top priorities for Indian affiliates participating in the chemical, pharmaceutical and tyre sectors meeting, held during 11–13 July.

Iraqi unions demand input on draft social security and retirement law

28 March, 2023The new draft bill on social security and retirement law allows for workers to receive social services after retirement, which is not in the current law. It permits workers be represented by two members on the executive board of the social security and retirement fund. In the current law workers are represented by one member.