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Showing 461-470 of 5745 results

European Parliament must do everything in its power to end military rule in Myanmar

9 May, 2023Ahead of the debate and vote on 10 and 11 May on a Resolution on Myanmar, the fourth since the military coup of February 2021, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe have written a letter to the European Parliament. The military junta in Myanmar has escalated its repression of democratic forces. The European Parliament must do everything in its power to end the military junta’s rule and return democracy to the people of Myanmar.

Union win stops unfair retrenchments at Botswana diamond mine

8 May, 2023The Botswana Mine Workers Union’s (BMWU) win in an industrial court on 28 April has stopped unfair retrenchments at Lucara Botswana’s security department at the Karowe diamond mine, the same mine which unearthed “Lesedi la rona” (our light) in 2015 - the largest diamond to be discovered in a century. The mine has also dug three diamonds with over 1,000 carats each and sold “The Constellation”, an 813-carat diamond for a record US$63 million for a rough gem in 2016.

How can H&M justify its presence in Myanmar?

4 May, 2023Swedish fashion giant H&M’s ESG record is better than many of its peers and the company’s responsible business practices has cemented a constructive relationship with IndustriALL. And yet H&M refuses to stop sourcing from Myanmar, a military dictatorship where unions are banned and foreign exchange are used to buy weapons. At today’s AGM, IndustriALL raised the question with the company.  

Urgent need for mandatory due diligence

4 May, 2023The 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse on 24 April was the starting point of a week-long advocacy with garment union leaders from Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia and Tunisia. The delegation met with the ILO in Geneva, politicians in Berlin and the EU Parliament and Commission in Brussels to discuss the continued campaign on safe factories and the need for mandatory due diligence.

Working group develops proposals on labour protection

3 May, 2023As part of IndustriALL's days of action the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regional office held a health and safety workshop with three Armenian affiliates, celebrating 28 April which is International Workers' Memorial Day.

T-win Garment reinstates eight Cambodian union leaders

3 May, 2023Interventions from IndustriALL Global Union and Nike, has led to T-win Garment Cambodia Co. Ltd. reinstating eight local union leaders who are affiliated to the Collective Union of Movement of Workers (CUMW). They were reinstated on 26 April. 

Working group establishes strategic action plan to confront global capital

3 May, 2023The IndustriALL Global multinational committee (GMC) met for the first time in Paris on April 27-28. The hybrid meeting was attended by around 70 delegates who discussed and developed a strategic action plan on issues related to multinational companies (MNCs).

Zimbabwean unions want an end to poverty, corruption and oppression

3 May, 2023During May Day celebrations trade unions, in Zimbabwe, called for living wages amidst a cost-of-living crisis characterised by high inflation of 75.2 per cent, increasing poverty levels, and high unemployment. 

African unions commemorate International Workers' Memorial Day 

2 May, 2023To commemorate International Workers’ Memorial Day a group of shop stewards from different trade unions in Sub-Saharan Africa came together, in Ghana, to visit and learn about adherence to occupational health and safety standards at state-owned Tema oil refinery and Trafigura’s Tema multiproduct terminal known as Blue Ocean. As symbols of remembrance the workers and delegation wore black ribbons and carried black candles.

Human rights due diligence is not possible in Myanmar

1 May, 2023More than two years after the military coup in Myanmar, the situation for the people, and the workers, is getting worse. May Day is a day when we raise our voices for workers’ rights and against violations – human rights due diligence is not possible under Myanmar’s military dictatorship and companies must plan a responsible exit from the country.