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Showing 1861-1870 of 5752 results

Unions can shape the future of work in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

1 November, 2019Pro-active trade unions can shape and influence the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and the digital economy, said a panel of unionists from Germany and South Africa at a Global Labour University  (GLU) conference in Johannesburg on 31 October.

Kazakh union leader Erlan Baltabay imprisoned again

1 November, 2019IndustriALL Global Union and the ITUC are calling for the release of Erlan Baltabay, a leader of the Independent Oil and Energy Workers’ Union in Kazakhstan, who has been returned to prison to serve a new 5-month term.

Saint-Gobain union network demands genuine dialogue

1 November, 2019Meeting in Paris, France, around 30 union leaders representing Saint-Gobain workers in nine countries worldwide, strongly expressed their desire for genuine dialogue with the company about the deep transformation called “Transform and Grow” which was launched November 2018.

Adidas, get off the sidelines!

1 November, 2019On 29 October, demonstrators in New York City called on major sports brand Adidas to join ACT, the global initiative on living wages. By refusing to join ACT, Adidas is effectively standing in the way of progress towards  a living wage for garment workers.

Iraqi unions: “We want bread, not bullets”

31 October, 2019IndustriALL Global Union joins its Iraqi affiliates in condemning the violence and repression by security forces against people joining demonstrations protesting corruption and unemployment. Millions of Iraqis suffer from poverty, with widespread unemployment, particularly among young people.

Anti-inequality protests intensify in Chile

31 October, 2019More than a million people took part in the biggest demonstration in Chile since democracy was restored. The protestors are calling for an end to the country’s widespread social inequality, and have been out on the streets every day to make their demands heard.

Agreements unite formal and informal metal workers in Kenya

30 October, 2019To effectively unite, recruit and organize informal metal workers, the Amalgamated Union of Kenya Metal Workers (AUKMW) and other unions have signed agreements with the Ambira Jua Kali Artisans Association and the Migingo Self Help Group Association.

Aerospace unions aim to take global solidarity to next level

29 October, 2019The world’s most powerful aerospace unions, affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, met in Singapore from 23-25 October 2019 and developed a comprehensive global strategy to take solidarity to the next level.

H&M suppliers in India discuss effective GFA implementation

29 October, 2019More than a hundred H&M suppliers who employ hundreds and thousands of workers, participated in joint workshops organized by IndustriALL and Swedish clothing company H&M to discuss the global framework agreement (GFA) and its implementation.

Autoworkers vote to end GM strike

29 October, 2019Members of the United Autoworkers (UAW) have voted to end the longest strike at GM since 1970.