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Showing 5661-5670 of 5775 results

IndustriALL responds to Glencore's snub

12 July, 2012In response to Glencore and Xstrata’s arrogant refusal to meet with a delegation of IndustriALL Global Union affiliates to discuss labour issues in light of their intended merger, IndustriALL joined a delegation of activists in a demonstration at their headquarters in Zug, Switzerland.

Mexican mine workers denied fair union election

10 July, 2012IndustriALL pledges support for Los Mineros in its efforts to defend the interests of workers at the La Platosa mine in Mexico after it lost by one vote a ballot conducted in extremely intimidating circumstances. Last week’s union election at the La Platosa mine in Durango shows how employers in Mexico hold all the cards when workers try to organize to defend their interests.

ILO calls on Mexico for tripartite dialogue on Protection Contracts

9 July, 2012Recommendations put forward by the Committee on Freedom of Association and approved by the International Labour Organisations’ Governing Body in June call on the Mexican government to examine the issue of Protection Contracts.

Belgian unions spearhead proposals to save jobs at Caterpillar

9 July, 2012Belgian affiliates of IndustriALL Global Union representing Caterpillar workers at the Gosselies plant have pushed for negotiation with management to find alternatives to the non-renewal of fixed-term work contracts.

IndustriALL and Rhodia-Solvay meet to improve safety

9 July, 2012IndustriALL and Rhodia, part of the Belgian-based Solvay chemicals group, held the third meeting of the Global Safety Panel at the company’s operation in Chalampé, France on 26 to 27 June 2012.

Six-month lock-out ends in agreement in Quebec

6 July, 2012United Steelworkers (USW) Local 9490 members ratify a new collective agreement with Rio Tinto Alcan in Alma Quebec, after being locked out for six months.

Mining accident in South Africa kills 5 workers

6 July, 2012On 2 July, five workers were killed and 14 others were hospitalized for smoke inhalation at the KDC West mine operated by Gold Fields in South Africa, when a fire broke out. The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) put the blame on poor mine management. NUM will conduct a memorial service for the deceased in their memory which is attended by the all the workers at the mine.

Solidaridad con los trabajadores colombianos de Mafylm

5 July, 2012A 150 trabajadores de Mafylm, contratista de Drummond, se les impidió el ingreso a la planta, Hace más de tres meses que los trabajadores luchan por un pliego petitorio y la empresa no respende.

Spanish miners’ march against government cuts

5 July, 2012After 23 days of strike, members of the IndustriALL affiliated unions Federación de Industria CCOO and FITAG-UGT started the miners’ march, leaving the mining region of northern Spain on 22 June and due to arrive in Madrid on 11 July.

Rio+20 fails to deliver

5 July, 2012The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), which took place from 20 to 22 June 2012, was meant to be a turning-point in the world's efforts to address poverty and environmental degradation.