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Showing 4841-4850 of 5684 results

None of the promised change for workers at Apple and its suppliers

6 September, 2013Apple has failed to deliver on the promises of ending abuse of labour rights in its supply chain. The changes to have been made by July this year are sadly absent.

FIOM representatives are back at FIAT

4 September, 2013Long lasting discrimination of the IndustriALL Italian affiliate FIOM-CGIL has come to an end at FIAT.

Goldminers begin strike in South Africa

4 September, 2013Over 80,000 members of IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliate National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in gold mining sector in South Africa launch an indefinite strike as of 3rd September demanding a decent wage increase and rejecting the pittance offered by employers.

Bangladesh compensation meetings this week

4 September, 2013IndustriALL Global Union is working hard to get brands and retailers that sourced from Tazreen and Rana Plaza to participate in talks in Geneva on 11 and 12 September. The meetings will seek to achieve proper compensation payments to the victims and survivors of the two industrial accidents.

Leather workers stage protests in Iraq

4 September, 2013In Iraq the State Company of the Leather Industries dismissed 200 workers. In opposition the Federation of Workers Councils & Unions of Iraq (FWCUI) organized a number of protests across the country.

Russian unions mobilize for better wages

4 September, 2013Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA), an IndustriALL affiliate, and several other Russian unions affiliated to the Confederation of Labour of Russia launched a campaign “Wages must rise!”

Iraqi demonstrations against parliamentarians' benefits

4 September, 2013Trade unions and their members were at the forefront of this weekend’s protests to demand an end to over-generous pension benefits granted to members of parliament. Demonstrators also voiced long-standing grievances about the poor state of public services.

Unions at Alcoa to Hold Global Week of Action

4 September, 2013Unions around the world at Alcoa will hold a global week of action in mid-September. They will demand that the aluminum company provide fair wages, uphold high health and safety standards and respect workers’ fundamental right to organize into unions.

Workers find their voice in Fiji

3 September, 2013Since launching an organising project in May, the National Union of Factory & Commercial Workers (NUFCW) has grown its membership base by 20 per cent.

Bangladesh signatory list

2 September, 2013The full list of company signatories to the accord