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Showing 5411-5420 из 6755 results

Unions in North Africa and Europe co-ordinate strategy on health and safety at SONASID-ArcelorMittal

4 октября, 2010Shop stewards from two production sites of SONASID-ArcelorMittal in Morocco meet with European Works Council members and health and safety specialists from UGT of Spain, FGMM and FTM of France, FIOM of Italy and FGME of Tunisia at a meeting of the International Metalworkers' Federation.

Trade Union Networks in Transnational Corporations

4 октября, 2010The International Metalworkers' Federation is putting increased emphasis on building trade union networks in transnational companies (TNC's).

U.S. Steel sued for discrimination

8 октября, 2010Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sues U.S. Steel Corporation for the discriminative policy requiring probationary employees to undergo random alcohol tests and dismissals as a result of such test.

Agency workers: same work - same pay

8 октября, 2010This World Day for Decent Work, IMF affiliates IG Metall and FSPMI team up in their fight for fairer laws and working conditions for agency workers.

Gerdau Workers' World Council

14 октября, 2010

Chilean miners rescued after 69 days underground

15 октября, 2010As the world celebrates the rescue of the 33 trapped miners in Chile, IMF calls on Chile to ratify ILO mine safety convention 176 and expresses concern for the futures of the 365 miners (including the 33 freed miners) who are out of work.

Five pillars of sustainability for the steel industry

15 октября, 2010Global and European trade union representatives in the steel sector call for a sustainable industry based on long-term investment, job security, environmental modernization, trade policy for workers and active routes for worker participation.

Europe must fight for its manufacturing base

21 октября, 2010In advance of the publication of the European Commission's new industrial policy agenda, European trade union federations representing manufacturing workers came together to call for a strong industrial policy capable of underpinning Europe's industrial fabric.

Mexican Miners agree on payrise with ArcelorMittal

9 августа, 2010Los Mineros of Mexico Achieves 14% Gains with ArcelorMittal.

Unions pursue ratification of core ILO conventions in Thailand

10 августа, 2010Unions led by IMF affiliate TEAM meet Thai Foreign Minister within the framework of the union campaign for ratification of two core ILO conventions 87 and 98 in Thailand.

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