IG Metall wins settlement28 марта, 2000The 2.9 million-strong German metalworkers' union has called off warning strikes for western Germany after negotiators reached an agreement in 11th hour talks.
Need for steel as great as ever11 апреля, 2000Trade union leaders address delegates at the IMF's world steel industry gathering.
Nepal unions make demands26 апреля, 2000The Nepal Trade Union Congress has put forth a number of demands to newly re-elected prime minister.
Aussie government shows bad faith3 мая, 2000A government manual "advises" senior civil servants on negotiating tactics.
Malentacchi gives opening address at ILO meeting7 мая, 2000The social and labour impact of globalisation in transport equipment manufacturing is discussed at tripartite meeting.
Deal struck for Rover8 мая, 2000The Phoenix consortium will buy Rover cars from BMW and over 20,000 jobs will be saved.
IMF starts regional website23 ноября, 1999The IMF Regional Office in Santiago, Chile, will open a regional website in Spanish and Portuguese.
Show solidarity<br>with Malta affiliate23 ноября, 1999After police and military brutalised strikers in August, it is now the union which is being arraigned in court.
Seattle meeting is<br>a turning point30 ноября, 1999An international metalworkers' official says that the World Trade Organisation's meeting will mark a watershed in changing public perceptions about international trade and how it affects us all.
IMF opens office in Mexico1 декабря, 1999A project office will be set up to assist in organising and affiliating metalworkers in Mexico.