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Showing 4471-4480 из 6755 results

Carla Coletti<br>elected to the ILO

7 июня, 1999This week, the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation, ILO, has been elected.

"Eliminate all forms<br>of child labour"

9 июня, 1999Carla Coletti made a strong contribution to the struggle for maternity protection and eliminination of child labour in her maiden speech at the ILO.

Two million new members

14 июня, 1999One-third of the world's 68 million metalworkers will soon belong to the IMF.

Restructuring the automotive sector

16 марта, 2000

IG Metall insists on lower retirement age

20 марта, 2000German metalworkers are gearing up for widespread warning strikes from March 29 onwards.

GE unions step up global unity

26 марта, 2000The IMF-GE World Council strengthens cross-border trade union coordination and pledges full support to the CBC.

More auto alliances

27 марта, 2000This week brings a new outburst of cross-border activity in the rapidly changing landscape of the automotive sector.

Finding the link between our international work and trade union activists in the workplace

30 марта, 2000

Russian nickel workers visit Canada

3 апреля, 2000The Canadian Steelworkers in Sudbury are hosting a meeting with their fellow nickel workers from Russia.

Strike at Daewoo Motor

3 апреля, 2000Union workers do not want to see the auto company sold off to a foreign buyer.

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