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1 June, 2000The FIM/CISL holds a full day of discussion on international questions.
GENEVA: An encouraging and excellent initiative has come from the IMF-affiliated FIM/CISL in Italy. The General Council of the federation, representing 130 trade union leaders from all regions of the country, got together in Brescia to discuss international affairs for a full day. There was not only a very high quality of debate but also of concrete proposals which were made.
Marcello Malentacchi, in his new opinion column, says that everybody should deal with international affairs in his or her daily work. The IMF's last Congress gave high priority to education and to getting all its affiliates to include in their educational programmes at all levels a large proportion of topics dealing with international questions.
Read the IMF general secretary's entire opinion on the associated link.
Marcello Malentacchi, in his new opinion column, says that everybody should deal with international affairs in his or her daily work. The IMF's last Congress gave high priority to education and to getting all its affiliates to include in their educational programmes at all levels a large proportion of topics dealing with international questions.
Read the IMF general secretary's entire opinion on the associated link.