Court delays Sinter Metal judgement6 August, 2009Workers demonstrate in Turkey's Taksim Square denouncing the decision of the court arguing, "Justice delayed is Justice denied!"
Global shipbuilding industry faces choppy waters10 August, 2009Unions call for secure jobs as a central strategy to securing the future of the shipbuilding industry beyond the current crisis.
What is Sustainable Unionism?19 August, 2009In many of the discussions in the sub regional meeting that centred around the state of our unions, we discussed many issues affecting the sustainability of our unions as organisations. Given the centrality of the concept of sustainable unionism; it is probably useful to introduce this concept in order to facilitate further discussion to reach consensus of its definition and build a practical understanding of the term.
IMF-EMF Communicators to debate global union campaigning26 August, 2009Union communicators from different parts of the world will meet at the first joint EMF-IMF Communicators' Forum in Frankfurt to discuss union campaigns, innovative communication strategies and new media techniques.