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Global unions launch campaign for Quality Public Services

21 June, 2011On June 23, UN Public Services Day, the Council of Global Unions launches its Quality Public Services--Action Now! campaign. The aim is to advance quality public services for all people through unprecedented coordinated solidarity action across borders.

GLOBAL: "When we look around the world today, we find peace and improved equality and opportunity only in countries where strong public services provide equitable redistribution of wealth, protect democracy and deliver security, justice and decent work," Council of Global Unions chair Peter Waldorff emphasizes.

The Quality Public Services-Action Now! campaign is guided by principles outlined in the Geneva Charter on Quality Public Services. Of key importance, public funding must be supported by fair taxes based on ability to pay, an end to shifting taxes from corporations and the super-rich to ordinary people, and a crackdown on tax dodgers who hide their profits in foreign tax havens.
Leading up to the launch of the campaign on 23 June, global union members are participating in the European Trade Union Confederation Day of Action on 21 June and the Global Day of Action for a Financial Transactions Tax on 22 June.

Trade unions, political and civil society partners are invited to associate their related campaigns or to start new initiatives under the Quality Public Services-Action Now! campaign banner, and are encouraged to sign on to the Geneva Charter on Quality Public Services today. More campaign information, posters and talking points are available at http://www.qpsactionnow.org/