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Young Italians take action against precarious work

11 April, 2011National action against increasing precarious employment of young workers in Italy took place on April 9, throughout Italy, with the slogan "il nostro tempo è adesso. La vita non aspetta" (Our time is now. Life doesn't wait).

ITALY: April 9 was a great day of mobilization, young people, students and temporary workers rallied throughout Italy,  their slogan was "Our Time is now. Life doesn't wait". Many young people are tired of the precarious work, housing and economic conditions in which they are forced to live.

A generation without work, underpaid, and forced to do unrecognized and free work and condemned to being depend on their parents called for change. Their demand is for a different country, a country where everyone has an opportunity to study, to work, to invent: a country that invests in research, that values talent and  motivation, that economically supports those who lose their jobs and seeking another, a country that takes a chance on new and ambitious ideas, that believes in personal development, a country that is truly a part of Europe.

There were many events planned throughout Italy but also abroad. In Rome the main event was at Republic Square, the Milan rally was in San Lorenzo, in Turin at  Piazza Vittorio, a parade in Naples at Piazza Mancini and in Florence at Piazza Santo Spirito.

Video: 9 APRILE 2011 : il nostro tempo è adesso !

Video: 9 APRILE 2011 street parade Roma