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World Social Forum Caracas: Fighting for more jobs

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25 January, 2006Trade unionists hope that the Forum will advance the struggle for decent jobs and strengthen trade unionism in the region.

VENEZUELA: In Caracas, thousands of trade unionists are attending the World Social Forum, which began January 24. They are participating in discussions on how the labour movement can obtain more and better jobs in the continent and how the movement can consolidate its unity in the Americas. These issues were also debated at the Second Trade Union Forum of the Americas, organised by ORIT and CLAT, the regional organisations of ICFTU and the WCL.

The fifth theme of the World Social Forum is 'Work, Exploitation and the Reproduction of Life'. Trade unionists from throughout the continent will discuss how decent jobs can be created, as a fundamental part of a strategy for sustainable development; how to deal with the growing number of free trade treaties and increasing economic globalisation; what kind of regional integration should be pursued for the continent; and how to increase the unity of the continent's labour movement.

These issues are in debate because of the situation currently being lived through by some of the region's countries -- with official unemployment levels at 7.7 per cent and 75 million of those in work paid less than two dollars a day. And let us not forget that workers are in almost as bad a situation, afraid of losing their jobs, and working longer hours for lower wages. Meanwhile, trade union organisation is hampered by the pressures put on by employers.

The best way of approaching these problems, say the Forum's organisers, is through a united trade union movement. They hope that this Sunday, January 29, trade unionists can celebrate progress in the international programme to obtain decent jobs for all and strengthen regional trade unionism.