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Violations of workers' rights at IBM Bulgaria

2 July, 2010Following reports of harassment and intimidation by IBM management of workers involved in trade union activities at IBM Bulgaria, EMF, IMF and UNI send joint letter to company.

BULGARIA: NFTINI Podkrepa, representing workers in the IT sector in Bulgaria, has reported on serious violations of freedom of association at IBM Bulgaria where workers involved in trade union activities are subjected to intimidation and harassment.

The International Metalworkers' Federation joins with the European Metalworkers' Federation and UNI Global Union in expressing concerns that IBM is putting pressure on workers and trade union officials within the company after learning about the trade union organization in the factory.

EMF, IMF and UNI support their Bulgarian colleagues and strongly oppose any kind of intimidation of workers involved in trade union activities.

The trade union founded within IBM Bulgaria complies with local legislation and is recognized by the appropriate public administration. It is therefore entitled to recognition by IBM's Bulgarian management.

"We urge you to do everything in your power to assure the respect of internationally recognized workers' rights to join and form trade unions and the right to collectively bargain at IBM in Bulgaria. EMF, IMF and UNI demand in particular that IBM Bulgaria apply IBM's internal regulations stipulating the strict application of local legislation, as put forward in the Corporate Guidelines of IBM Corp," states the letter.