5 July, 2010The United Steelworkers reach a tentative five year agreement with Brazilian mining giant Vale in Canada. The union has scheduled ratification votes in Sudbury and Port Colborne.

CANADA: After a yearlong strike following the company's demand for concessions on workers' pensions, nickel bonuses, seniority transfer rights and contracting out policy at the Vale facilities at Sudbury and Port Colborne, the IMF affiliated USW announced a tentative agreement on July 4 after a series of tough negotiations.
The final obstacle was removed after the parties signed a letter of agreement on the procedure for the reinstatement of nine discharged striking employees. The case will be submitted to the Ontario Labour Relations Board panel, to be considered as of July 9. The nine workers were fired for alleged misbehaviour on a picket line.
The USW is confident that the Ontario Labour Relations Board will take a positive decision and consider the company's conduct illegal.
The agreement is set for ratification votes by USW members on July 7 and 8 in Sudbury and July 8 in Port Colborne.