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Urgent appeal for support

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2 October, 2000Belarus government intensifies its intimidation of the free trade union movement.

BELARUS: In the continuing and systematic attempts to intimidate and destroy the free trade union movement of Belarus, state authorities closed the bank account of the Belarus Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU) on September 27 and threatened the federation's leaders with arrest. The government of Alexander Lukashenko is thus stepping up its pressure on the trade unions and also trying to prevent the holding of the BFTU's Congress, which is scheduled for October 10. (See associated link concerning Congress of IMF's Belarus affiliate.)
So far, the independent trade unions in Belarus have withstood the pressure of the government to control the unions and the election of their officers, but they are in great need of international solidarity to show Lukashenko that the rest of the world is watching and cares.
The International Metalworkers' Federation strongly appeals to all its affiliates and friends to write protest letters to the Belarus president, by October 9, as follows:

"Mr. President, On behalf of the (name of your organisation), we express our strong protest against the continuing interference on the part of the State in the activity of trade unions in the Republic of Belarus. We protest against the closing of the bank account of the Belarus Federation of Trade Unions and the threats to bring criminal action against the leaders of the BFTU. We resolutely demand that the lawlessness against workers' organisations in Belarus be stopped. We shall closely monitor any developments in the situation and leave no anti-union actions of the Belorussian authorities without due repercussions."

Address your letters to:
A.G.Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus
Administration of the President of Belarus
Fax: +375/172 26-06-10
or send by e-mail from the official website of the president: www.president.gov.by/eng/president/

Fax copies to the BFTU on: +375/172 10-43-37 or +375/172 23-90-62 and/or from their website on www.trud.org/index7.htm