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UPDATE: Ssangyong Motor Plant on fire

5 August, 2009Concern for the lives of 700 autoworkers inside the plant grow as reports come in that parts of the plant near the highly explosive paint shop are on fire, workers trying to flee the fire are being beaten by SWAT team forces.

KOREA: The situation for some 700 Korean autoworkers at Ssangyong Motor has become critical as there are reports of fire in parts of the plant near the highly flammable paint shop where workers have been holding a sit-in strike since May 21.

The company cut off all water inside the plant two weeks ago and cut off all electricity 2 days ago.

1000 supporters have amassed outside the plant gates calling on the Korean government to step in and ensure the safety and welfare of the workers demonstrating inside.

The Korean Metal Workers' Union, an affiliate of the International Metalworkers' Federation and unions around the world are protesting the company and Korean government's brutal attacks.

"A swat team helicoptered onto the roof this morning and are gang-beating union members they catch on the roof of the assembly plant (adjacent to the paint shop building). SWAT team members chased around union members on the roof of the assembly plant building and two union members fell off the roof plummeting to the ground. Fire is spreading to the paint shop through the stairwell," reports the KMWU this morning (18:00h in Seoul, Korea).

The IMF is urging all IMF affiliates and global union organisations to hold protests in front of Korean Embassies around the world calling for the Korean government to:  

  • Urgently STOP the ongoing police raid on the strike;
  • Government must quickly step up to a negotiating table with the union or try to foster a peaceful resolution.

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