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Unite calls for government action on manufacturing

20 September, 2010Unite outlines 10-point plan to revive British manufacturing at the TUC Congress on September 15, 2010.

UNITED KINGDOM: The British economy can't survive on services alone - it needs a coherent and strong manufacturing strategy, Unite, an IMF affiliate, told the Trades Union Congress in Manchester on September 15, 2010.

Unite Assistant General Secretary, Tony Burke called for a 10-point plan to kick-start the manufacturing sector which generates £160bn to the UK economy and contributes 46 per cent of export earnings.

Speaking at the TUC's Congress, he said, "We can see other countries, such as France and Germany, defending their strategic manufacturing base against the ravages of private equity speculators, and providing support where necessary to manufacturing companies. We should be following the same strategy here."

Tony Burke castigated the coalition government's decision to withdraw the £80 million loan for Sheffield Forgemasters as a key example of what was wrong with the so-called current manufacturing strategy in UK.

Tony Burke outlined Unite's vision for a revitalized manufacturing sector stating it is about creating the right economic climate and supporting training and education. Unite tabled a motion at the TUC Congress contained ten points including:

  • defending strategically important industries, such as chemical and pharmaceuticals, steel, and the car and defence industries
  • continued financial support through interventionist policies
  • maximizing the opportunities that the low carbon revolution offers
  • building up the UK's science capability.

Michael Leahy, general secretary of Community and president of the IMF Steel and Non-Ferrous Department, was elected as the next TUC President at the TUC Congress on September 17.