13 May, 2011A global network meeting of unions representing workers at Volvo trucks held in Sweden in May enables unions from around the world to resolve local workplace problems.

SWEDEN: Global cooperation between trade unions representing workers within the transnational company AB Volvo (trucks) is leading to better resolutions of local workplace problems. This was the experience of participants at a meeting of the AB Volvo European Workers Council and unions from outside Europe, which took place on May 9 to 11 in Gothenburg.
Around fifty union representatives from around the world participated in the meeting with each reporting on the current situation in their country and exchanging information about union issues. AB Volvo management also reported to the group on various topics, including corporate social responsibility, health and safety issues, and the economic situation of the company.
All the participants took the opportunity to ask management several questions, which was particularly important for the unions outside Sweden and therefore more distant from the global decision-making headquarters of the company. The meeting provided unions with an opportunity to put forward unresolved problems from their country with the support of all the trade unions present from around the world.
Earlier, Mikael Sällström, President of the EWC, and others union representatives from Sweden travelled to India and Poland to directly assist the unions in those countries with specific problems with local management.
Aside from the European Works Council members, unions from Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan and the U.S. participated in the meeting. All the activities of the EWC and the extended global group of unions are funded for by the company, illustrating the strength and influence of the Volvo unions and workers' representation bodies.
This meeting, which normally takes place once every two years, was postponed last year due to the crisis, so the next meeting will be held in Poland next year.