27 November, 2009EMF calls on European Parliament to not sign an EU-Colombia Free Trade Agreement.

EUROPE: The European Metalworkers' Federation (EMF) wrote to Members of the European Parliament asking them not to sign an EU-Colombia Free Trade Agreement and informed them of a special hearing on the issue taking place in the European Parliament on December 9.
Colombia remains the most dangerous country in the world in which to be a trade unionist. 39 trade unionists were murdered in 2007 and 49 last year.
Since 1986 some 2712 have been killed with prosecutions taking place in only 4.4 per cent of cases. The United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights has identified numerous serious human rights violations and the International Labour Organization at its most recent conference rejected proposals to accord Colombia "evidence of progress" status. Already, almost 30 trade unionists have been killed this year
Despite this, the European Commission is negotiating a free trade agreement with Colombia.
The International Metalworkers' Federation joins with the International Trade Union Confederation and Colombian trade unions in expressing their opposition to an EU-Colombia trade deal.
In opposition to the current negotiations between the European Commission and Colombia on the trade agreement, unions in the United Kingdom and Ireland have released a report on the situation in Colombia. The report, jointly published by the Trades Union Congress, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Unite, Workers Uniting and Justice for Colombia is available on the IMF website here.
For more information about the hearing taking place at the European Parliament and on the campaign please go to: http://www.justiceforcolombia.org/