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Unions mobilize in solidarity with Opel workers in Antwerp

18 September, 2009The European Metalworkers' Federation calls for solidarity and invites unions to participate in a demonstration at the Opel Plant in Antwerp on September 23, 2009.

EUROPE: Due to recent developments at Opel and the current restructuring of GM Europe/Opel/Magna the European Metalworkers' Federation is calling for mobilisation and solidarity with the workers at the Opel plant in Antwerp, which is facing the threat of closure.

The IMF adds its support to this action, and calls for solidarity with the workers in Belgium. The workers at the Antwerp plant have a long history of building quality vehicles that have contributed to the success of General Motors Europe.

For more information go to: http://www.emf-fem.org/Press/Press-releases/Mobilisation-of-GM-workers-in-Europe