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Unions in Europe oppose austerity plans

24 March, 2011In a week of action, unions in Europe are taking action against a European economic governance proposal being considered by EU leaders that will lead to further austerity cuts across Europe.

EUROPE: The European Metalworkers' Federation (EMF) joined with Belgian and other European unions in protest actions in Brussels on March 24 in order to say NO to austerity plans, no to cuts in wages and pensions, no to insecurity and unemployment, no to deregulation of labour standards and social regression, and no to rising social inequalities.

The action was part of a European Week of Action called by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) to highlight trade union opposition to the European economic governance proposal, which is being examined during the EU's European Summit on March 24 and 25.

The EMF is calling urgently for an agenda based on investment, job creation and social cohesion. In a resolution adopted by its Executive Committee, the EMF warned that the ever greater austerity measures being applied in Europe are pushing economies into social recession.

"The proposals adopted by the Euro-zone Council on 12 March 2011, and proposed in the Commission's first Annual Growth Survey, are of an unprecedented and extremely negative nature. In calling for pay cuts and sustained wage moderation across Europe, they challenge the decision-making process of democratically-elected governments and intervene in national social dialogue and collective bargaining procedures," states the resolution.

As part of the week of action, the German trade union centre DGB held a demonstration in front of the Chancellery in Berlin on March 21. In Paris on March 22 French and German unions delivered a joint statement to the French Finance Ministry and in Amsterdam on March 23 unions met with Ministers to discuss the economic governance.

On March 26 the Trades Union Congress (TUC) is organizing a "March for the Alternative - Jobs, Growth and Justice" in London supported by IMF affiliates including Unite.  A European Day of Action will also take place in Budapest on April 9.