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Unions call for peace and justice in Egypt

8 February, 2011IMF joins with other GUFs in a demonstration outside the Egyptian mission in Geneva as part of the ITUC's Global Day of Action in support of democracy in Egypt.

GENEVA: A delegation of Global Union Federations and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) took action at the Egyptian mission in Geneva on February 8 urging the Egyptian government to assume its responsibilities to protect peaceful demonstrators and to respect fundamental rights first of all freedom of expression and freedom of association.

The group, including a representative from the International Metalworkers' Federation, met with Counsellor Yasser Hassan to discuss growing concerns over the government's role in the escalating violence and the lack of protection for Egyptian citizens exercising basic civil liberties. They called on the Counsellor to use his influence to ensure that his government fully investigates all acts of violence and those responsible are punished.

In a statement delivered to Counsellor Hassan, members of the global labour movement voiced their solidarity with "Egyptian colleagues in independent trade union organizations, who always stood firm in defence of workers' rights in spite of the extremely difficult and often times overtly hostile circumstances."

As part of the ITUC Call to Action, unions around the world took similar action in support of democracy in Egypt. In Brussels an international trade union delegation led by Sharan Burrow, general secretary of the ITUC, together with three Belgian trade union organizations went to the Egyptian Embassy in Brussels. ITUC-Africa also led an international trade union delegation to the Embassy in Dakar (Senegal) during the World Social Forum in Dakar.

Reports of many other trade union gatherings to mark the day were sent to the ITUC, notably from Australia, Korea, Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, France, Tunisia, Canada, Sweden, Italy, and Mauritania.

The IMF is committed to support the legitimate demands of the Egyptian workers for democracy, good jobs and the respect of fundamental workers' rights.