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Unions around Europe say "enough is enough"

7 March, 2012On February 29, one day before the European Summit on March 1 and 2, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) called for a day of action to say that 'enough is enough', and that alternatives to austerity do exist.

EUROPE: Demonstrations, rallies and information campaigns took place all over Europe on February 29. In collaboration with its member organizations the ETUC called for a day of action which mobilized unions all over Europe.

In the face of a worsening economic and social situation and tougher austerity measures being imposed by Europe's leaders as the only solution, the ETUC called for a European day of action on the eve of the European Summit. Trade unions in more than 27 eurozone countries and beyond mobilized to have jobs and social justice placed at the heart of political priorities.

Unions in Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and many more organized demonstrations, rallies and strikes. In front of European Union headquarters in Brussels, hundreds of union protesters demanded drastic policy changes from the summit leaders. The ETUC European Day of Action sent out a strong message to Europe's decision-makers saying that enough is enough! Alternatives to austerity do exist.

On the day after the European Day of Action, ETUC took part in the Tripartite Social Summit on employment and growth. The European trade union delegation called directly on national leaders to change course at once. It called for a European stimulus plan to develop a sustainable economy and to create quality jobs.