23 June, 2008The EU adopts new rules on return of irregular migrants including tough clauses on detention and re-entry.
EUROPE: The European Parliament endorsed on June 18 regressive new rules on the return of irregular migrants that include tough clauses on detention and re-entry.
The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) wrote to the members of the European Parliament in advance of a vote expressing strong concerns that several provisions run counter to basic fundamental rights.
In particular, provisions permitting the detention of people for up to 18 months before their expulsion, the 5 year re-entry ban on the territory and forced returns to countries other than the country of origin are viewed by unions and social justice groups in Europe as unacceptable.
The ETUC argues that, "the fight against irregular migration cannot be effective without having opened channels for regular migration, clear policies against labour exploitation of irregular migrants, and providing them with bridges out of irregularity."
"The injustice of regressive migration policies, such as what has been adopted by the EU, goes against the fundamental principles of human rights and dignity," said IMF general secretary Marcello Malentacchi.