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Union leader arrested in Ghana

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28 February, 2000The ICU general secretary, Napoleon Kpoh, was detained last week as the government continues its anti-union campaign.

GHANA: For some months now, a campaign of intimidation and harassment is being waged against the democratically-elected leadership of the IMF-affiliated Industrial & Commercial Workers' Union (ICU), as well as against its members. (See earlier news items of October 14 and December 2, 1999, and January 21, 2000.) Particularly targeted by the Ghanaian government, the state-owned media and employers is Napoleon Kpoh, the union's general secretary.
Through personal media attacks on Kpoh, plus a series of politically-manipulated activities -- for example the Court-imposed postponement of the union's congress last Fall, the State's goal is to weaken the ICU, Ghana's largest trade union with over 85,000 members, and make it collapse. The management of two companies, AkosomboTextile Ltd. and African Automobile Ltd./International Automobile Ltd., is participating in this campaign through violent threats, intimidation and unjustified dismissals of hundreds of their employees.
Last December, the IMF's Executive Committee, of which Kpoh is a member, sent a strong protest to both the Ghanaian government and to the management of the above-mentioned companies demanding they put a stop to this campaign, but they have failed to do so.
Now the IMF has been informed that Napoleon Kpoh was detained on February 25 for "alleged contempt of court" with regard to statements he made concerning a court judgement. As soon as his arrest became known, some 1,500 ICU members encircled the courthouse, demanding his release. Kpoh is no longer in custody but has been ordered to appear in court on March 23.
The IMF is writing to all affiliates requesting immediate solidarity action in support of the ICU and its leadership.