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Union building in Indonesia

4 August, 2010IMF conducts workshop for members of Indonesian affiliate Lomenik to organize, build capacity and develop into a strong national union.

INDONESIA: Thirty members and shop-stewards of the IMF Indonesian affiliate, Lomenik, participated in a workshop that was aimed at organizing and union capacity building. The workshop was held on July 30 to August 1 in Puncak, Bogor, Indonesia.

In opening the workshop IMF Regional Representative Arunasalam urged the participants to organize the vast pool of unorganized workers in Indonesia. He encouraged them to become active in mainstream trade union work so as to fight for social justice and socio-economic needs of metalworkers. He drew a comparison between workers' right during the Suharto era and the much more liberal environment that prevails presently. He urged the union to take advantage of the prevailing environment to develop a strong national union movement.

Eduard Marpaung, President of Lomenik, emphasized the need for shop-stewards to also become active organizers and union campaigners. They should not only organize workers in their respective companies but also in the surrounding areas where there are metalworkers and campaign for trade union rights.

Through lectures, role plays, group discussions and interactive discussions the participants gained knowledge and skills in organizing, labour laws, workers' right and mapping. They also gained insight of how a strong union will benefit workers and their struggle. IMF and its work in the region were among the topics that were presented.

During the workshop conclusion the participants showed enthusiasm in participating in active trade union work. They also formed four ad-hoc organizing Action Committees that will carry out mapping of metal companies and organizing in the areas where their companies are located. They also pledged to campaign for increase in union dues for they felt that a union without adequate financial resources is akin to a poverty stricken family.