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13 April, 2000Romanian metalworkers' congress agrees a number of resolutions.

ROMANIA: The IMF-affiliated U-Metal - National Metalworkers' Federation of Romania held its Congress in Sinaia on March 26-29, and celebrated 10 years of activity on March 31, 2000. The federation represents 60 trade unions from the metal, machine-building, electronics and precision mechanics industries.
U-Metal says that following the major restructuring process for Romanian industry between 1992-1999, and considerable workers' and trade union education, the 50,000 members represented by their affiliated unions have gotten a hand on the privatisation process. Many educational programmes were organised by the IMF, EMF, the Belgian CCMB, the Netherlands CNV, both FO Metal and FGMM-CFDT of France, Sweden's SIF, the FTMH of Switzerland, the CAW of Canada, Brazil's CNM-CUT and the Italian UILM.
Resolutions adopted by the U-Metal Congress dealt with:
- renegotiation of the collective contract at branch and national levels, with improved terms and retaining acquired rights;
- participation in the privatisation programme and maintaining a low level of unemployment;
- continued professional and trade union training and education;
- organisation of a centre for economic consulting;
- creation of a metalworkers' centre for Alfa Cartel;
- expanding relations with the IMF and EMF.
U-Metal says that following the major restructuring process for Romanian industry between 1992-1999, and considerable workers' and trade union education, the 50,000 members represented by their affiliated unions have gotten a hand on the privatisation process. Many educational programmes were organised by the IMF, EMF, the Belgian CCMB, the Netherlands CNV, both FO Metal and FGMM-CFDT of France, Sweden's SIF, the FTMH of Switzerland, the CAW of Canada, Brazil's CNM-CUT and the Italian UILM.
Resolutions adopted by the U-Metal Congress dealt with:
- renegotiation of the collective contract at branch and national levels, with improved terms and retaining acquired rights;
- participation in the privatisation programme and maintaining a low level of unemployment;
- continued professional and trade union training and education;
- organisation of a centre for economic consulting;
- creation of a metalworkers' centre for Alfa Cartel;
- expanding relations with the IMF and EMF.