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14 June, 1999One-third of the world's 68 million metalworkers will soon belong to the IMF.

GENEVA: The International Metalworkers' Federation annual meeting of the Central Committee is due to take place next week in Helsinki, Finland, on June 23-24. One of the most important items on this year's agenda will be the affiliation of metalworkers' unions from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldavia.
With acceptance of these affiliations, the IMF will be taking in over two million new members, bringing the total IMF membership to over 22 million metalworkers - or one-third of the estimated 68 million metalworkers throughout the world!
Once these countries from the former Soviet Union will have joined the IMF, a new era will indeed open up for the entire trade union movement.
One of the main goals of the IMF in the years to come will be to continue supporting its affiliates to organise into trade unions those metalworkers who remain unorganised, both in the developing and developed world.
With acceptance of these affiliations, the IMF will be taking in over two million new members, bringing the total IMF membership to over 22 million metalworkers - or one-third of the estimated 68 million metalworkers throughout the world!
Once these countries from the former Soviet Union will have joined the IMF, a new era will indeed open up for the entire trade union movement.
One of the main goals of the IMF in the years to come will be to continue supporting its affiliates to organise into trade unions those metalworkers who remain unorganised, both in the developing and developed world.