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Trade unions march in Nice

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3 December, 2000A mass demonstration pushing for full employment and social rights will take to the streets on the eve of the EU Summit.

EUROPE: The European Trade Union Confederation is organising a mass trade union demonstration in favour of full employment and social rights in Nice, France, on December 6, 2000, the eve of the European Union summit meeting.
Sixty thousand trade unionists are expected for the Euro demonstration, with participants representing not only ETUC member organisations from EU countries but also member organisations from Central and Eastern Europe. Trade unionists from the following countries will be present: France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg, Austria, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia.
The message the ETUC and demonstrators will present to the Nice Summit is that "Europe is still too market-focused and capital-driven and cares too little about social aspects and jobs. With the Single Market completed, and the Euro and enlargement (of the EU) on the doorstep, it is high time for a clear signal from the EU that the European project wants to engage with its workers and citizens."
The summit meeting of heads of state and government, under French presidency until the end of this year, meets on December 7-9 to discuss reform of EU institutions before the future accession of up to 28 new members.