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8 July, 1999Toyota unions are forming closer links and intensifying their cooperation.

JAPAN: The IMF-Toyota World Council has decided to take concrete steps in order to intensify their cooperation on the international level. The background is that transnational corporations, such as Toyota, are adopting global strategies to increase their productivity and to reduce their costs. Although companies continue to do well, workers have been confronted with a wide spectrum of problems due to global competition.
The following steps will be taken in order to reach the Toyota workers' goals:
To ensure the respect of fundamental union and worker rights, by means of the appropriate procedures, within our countries we will work towards the adoption of a Code of Conduct that is based on the IMF Model Code.
To set up a Toyota Contact Network, each of the participating delegations pledges to appoint one or more contact persons and to forward the names to the IMF Secretariat, which will coordinate communications.
To facilitate communication among Toyota-related unions in Japan and overseas, we ask the IMF Secretariat to adapt the IMF internet home-page for this purpose.
We will hold meetings of a Toyota Action Group (TAG) as needed to implement World Council goals. The TAG will include members from Japan (representing Asia-Pacific), South America, Europe, Africa, the USA and the IMF Secretariat.
TAG meetings will take place in world regions where there are or will be Toyota production facilities. Unions from the region, which are active in these plants, will be invited to the meetings.
In keeping with the IMF Action Program and World Council goals as defined above, TAG discussions will include organizing, union building, and coordination with regional representation bodies such as the Toyota European Forum.
The following steps will be taken in order to reach the Toyota workers' goals:
To ensure the respect of fundamental union and worker rights, by means of the appropriate procedures, within our countries we will work towards the adoption of a Code of Conduct that is based on the IMF Model Code.
To set up a Toyota Contact Network, each of the participating delegations pledges to appoint one or more contact persons and to forward the names to the IMF Secretariat, which will coordinate communications.
To facilitate communication among Toyota-related unions in Japan and overseas, we ask the IMF Secretariat to adapt the IMF internet home-page for this purpose.
We will hold meetings of a Toyota Action Group (TAG) as needed to implement World Council goals. The TAG will include members from Japan (representing Asia-Pacific), South America, Europe, Africa, the USA and the IMF Secretariat.
TAG meetings will take place in world regions where there are or will be Toyota production facilities. Unions from the region, which are active in these plants, will be invited to the meetings.
In keeping with the IMF Action Program and World Council goals as defined above, TAG discussions will include organizing, union building, and coordination with regional representation bodies such as the Toyota European Forum.