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The power of Framework Agreements

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6 January, 2003

IFAsHow do you protect workers rights where legislation is inadequate? How can you ensure respect for the ILO Core Labour Standards in all facilities of a transnational company? And how do you protect the interests of workers where unions are weak or non-existent?

International Framework Agreements (IFAs) are a relatively recent tool but one now widely used by the IMF and other Global
Union Federations to lay down the rules of conduct for transnational companies. Since they are negotiated on a
global level
and require the participation of trade unions, International Framework Agreements are an ideal
instrument for dealing with the issues raised by globalisation.

This is why the International Metalworkers Federation is dedicated to pursuing IFAs in all transnational companies where
our affiliates have members.

The future direction of International Framework Agreements (IFAs) was the subject of discussion at a world conference in 2006. The recommendations arising from the conference and subsequently adopted by the IMF Executive Committee can be found here.