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The IMF needs a newspaper/magazine

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30 August, 1999The replies to the questions in IMF News No 4 are quite clear. There is a need for a printed IMF newspaper.

GENEVA: A majority say that it is "very important" to have a printed newspaper/magazine for all of the IMF (75 replies). Not as many say that it is "important" (44 replies). Just eight(8) answered "not important".
Opinions about the need for regional newspapers are more divided: 39 people answered that it is "very important", 40 that it is "important" and 31 "not important". So far, from a total of 127 replies from 44 countries, 30 came from Germany, 16 from USA, 7 from each France and Switzerland, 6 from Norway, 5 from each India, Sweden and Great Britain.
According to many replies, the website is good for daily news. But as reasons for a printed newspaper they mentioned the need for broader reports and deeper analyses. Some ask for special themes, such as industrial trends, health and safety, economic globalisation or international solidarity.
Many have written long and well-founded replies. A newspaper for the whole IMF "is important for us in Australia, due to the fact that our newspapers are in Mr Murdoch's and Mr Packer's hands." (Australia)
It is very important for IMF Geneva to publish a News Magazine (quarterly) in English. This can be utilised at regional and union level in their respective national language." (India)
"Helps me feel in touch with workers and their problems throughout the world."(USA)
"There should be a bimonthly edition...The total absence of IMF News in the world press is a shame."(Germany)
Some of those asked are from outside the IMF: "I am an academic who maintains a close interest in IMF affairs. I find the information in your bulletins invaluable."(Great Britain)
"The IMF is a leading Trade Secretariat and a bellwether of free trade union health." (USA, AFL-CIO)
(Updated November 15, 1999)