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The IMF in Porto Alegre

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21 January, 2003The International Metalworkers' Federation promotes the issue of an alternative economic programme and International Framework Agreements.

GLOBAL: Seeing Porto Alegre as an alternative to the World Economic Forum, and an opportunity to open up the debate about globalisation from a social perspective, the IMF has sent a delegation to the third World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, January 23-28. In debates, interviews, etc. the IMF wants to make clear that:
  • In accordance with its Action Programme, the IMF will be producing an alternative economic programme, based on a Tobin Tax on cross-border currency transactions, cancellation of external debt for the poorest countries, a social dimension to trade and a total reform of the International Financial Institutions.
  • The IMF is pursuing International Framework Agreements, to lay down the rules of conduct for transnational companies.
Prior to the World Social Forum, the IMF and other Global Union Federations (GUFs), the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) will be meeting to discuss and coordinate the trade unions' stand at the forum. This meeting will make a statement, soon to be found via a link from this page. The IMF general secretary, Marcello Malentacchi, will be a panelist at a seminar called "Trade unions and social movements: New alliances against new forms of capitalism?", organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. There will also be a meeting where trade unions will discuss "Globalisation with jobs and dignity" with other social organisations and the ILO. The World Social Forum came about as a response to the "other" forum - the World Economic Forum, in Davos, Switzerland. The objective of the WSF is to bring together organisations representing various segments of civil society and provide them with the opportunity to organise a counterweight to the economic power which is in the hands of a few. This year, more than 35,000 delegates are expected to take part in the forum in Porto Alegre.