24 August, 2010Leaders of union federations and plant unions participated in an IMF workshop to discuss restructuring of the Thai metalworkers union, TEAM, which was established ten years ago and is made up of in-house unions.

THAILAND: Chalee Loysong, President of TEAM, called on plant unions affiliated to TEAM to consolidate and strengthen in the face of mounting challenges for workers at an IMF workshop on August 20 to 21. He said that this year is the tenth anniversary of the founding of TEAM and it is pertinent that the unions and the membership think seriously on the need to restructure and develop TEAM into a strong national union.
"Under the present trade union structure it will be impossible for the labour movement to project the demands of workers and protect workers' right," said Chalee, lamenting that the weakness of the labour laws hinders the growth of unions. TEAM is pushing the government to ratify the core International Labour Organization's conventions and through this process will demand improvements in labour legislation.
In opening the workshop IMF Regional Representative Arunasalam.P urged the unions and the leadership of TEAM to look at the benefits of forming a national union that could cater for the wellbeing and progress of metalworkers in Thailand. Aruna also commended TEAM for taking a leading position to demand the ratification ILO Convention 87 and 98. "In order to strengthen the political voice of metalworkers TEAM should seriously embark on consolidating into a national union," said Aruna.
The workshop also reviewed the decisions of a meeting held last year. It was reported that 29 out of a total 77 plant level unions within TEAM have changed their dues structure from a fixed monthly sum to a percentage based system. A number of plant-level unions within the same sector are also merging and this will bring gradual improvements for structure building. At the workshop the unions also discussed experimenting with industry-wide collective bargaining and foresee resistance from employers.
The participants are an enthusiastic group which is keen in developing TEAM. Lectures and group discussions were held to get feedback on what should be done to enhance the attempt to restructure. The workshop resolved that it would initiate further efforts to build TEAM into a strong national union and called upon the IMF to provide solidarity support.