3 November, 2009Tenaris Workers' World Council seeks recognition from management and plans a global week of action in the week of November 23, 2009.
ITALY: The Tenaris Workers' World Council met in Bergamo, Italy from October 28 to 30. Union representatives from six countries took part and recommitted themselves to their struggle to get the council recognized by company management. During the meeting the council took the decision to show solidarity to the Tenaris workers in Italy that are confronted by management plans to shed 1,024 jobs and close plants.
With this in mind the council took the decision to deliver a letter to Tenaris management at the Dalmine plant. However the company refused to accept the letter from the council, provoking an in situ demonstration by the members of the council, an event which was widely covered by local media (the meeting and demonstration was held in front of the local plant).
In addition to the protest the council held a discussion and approved a 2009-2010 action plan. The plan will start with an international day of action in all plants during the week of November 23, 2009. The plan of action also includes a delegation to Colombia to show support to SINTRATUCAR and to ensure the safety of its leaders.
Rob Johnston, IMF Executive Director of Industrial and TNC Policies said at the conclusion of the meeting, "We will not allow this company to continue to trample on workers and their aspirations. We are resolved to negotiate an International Framework Agreement and work to improve health and safety and working conditions in this company. Senior management seems to believe if they hide we will go away, but every time the council meets it gets stronger and so do our demands."