15 August, 2011After a strong and resolute campaign nearly 70 BMW warehouse workers in Southern California, USA got their contracts renewed for another half year. The workers, members of Teamsters Local 495 got their jobs back through an active campaign involving International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and IMF affiliates Unite the Union in the UK and IG Metall in Germany. An important role was played by the BMW European Works Council.

USA: In June the BMW management notified members of Teamsters Local 495 that it is going to replace 68 unionized auto-parts warehousing jobs with outsourced workers at the company warehouse in Southern California. The previous contract with them was due to expire at the end of August.
On August 10, 2011 following a strong campaign organized by Teamsters Union (IBT) across the US and the international solidarity support received from IMF affiliates Unite in the UK and IG Metall in Germany as well as involvement of BMW European Works Council, Teamster Local 495 leadership and BMW management reached an agreement to extend the current contract for six months.
During this interim period the company promised to work with Local 495 and find a mutually acceptable solution that will address long term employment for the current BMW workforce in Ontario, California.
The union agreed to suspend additional campaign activities directed at BMW consumers and its supply chain pending progress towards a solution over the next months, however the union will continue posting materials and updates regarding the process of negotiations on the special campaign website www.BMWUltimateMisery.com.
The Ontario, California, warehouse handles 200,000 auto parts for just-in-time delivery to BMW car dealerships and other auto-supply outlets on the West Coast.